1rst Place: Dylan Kyger, Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Schoellkopf
2nd Place: Hayden Galeone, My Dog Roxi, The Salisbury School, Rene Schoellkopf
3rd Place: Sam Willis, Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Schoellkopf
4th Place: Sydney Todorov, Dog Runway, Worcester Prep School, George Zaiser
Award of merit: Abdullah Asif Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Schoellkopf
Award of merit: Ashton Hevner, Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Schoellkopf
Award of merit: Abisha Shrestha, Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Schoellkopf