1rst Place: Harper Hertrich, Lots of Love, Worcester Prep School, Rebecca Tittermary
2nd Place: Eli Short, Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Schoellkopf
3rd Place: Ryan Shipp, Holiday Dog, Worcester Prep School, Rebecca Tittermary
4th Place: Charlie Cox, Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Shoellkopf
Award of merit: Willet Cole: Green Eyes Gazing, Sussex Academy Elementary
Award of merit: Katie Currie, Girl’s Best Friend, Worcester Prep School, Rebecca Tittermary
Award of merit: Olivia Hamilton: Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Shoellkopf
Award of merit: Elena Gjoni, My Dog is my Eyes, Worcester Prep School, Rebecca Tittermary
Award of merit: Ruya Kucuk, Dogs are my Life, Worcester Prep School, Rebecca Tittermary
Award of merit: Sydney Matyiko, Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Shoellkopf
Award of merit: Emilia McGrew: Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Shoellkopf
Award of merit: Johnny LaViola, Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Shoellkopf
Award of merit: Presley Soley: Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Shoellkopf
Award of merit: Reed Whisner: Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Shoellkopf
Award of merit: Ellie Phillips, Beach Pup, Worcester Prep School, Rebecca Tittermary
Award of merit: Zach Stratten, Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Shoellkopf
Award of merit: Sophie Utter: Untitled, The Salisbury School, Rene Shoellkopf